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Saturday, December 17, 2016

[ISAMM - 1er Ing] C project with GTK

This is the C project I made in the first semester at ISAMM.

The application title is :  Human resources management (Application de gestion de ressources humaines)

This app was made in C using GTK3 and Mysql database.

To run the project you need to install and config GTK3 with codeblocks or any other IDE that runs C, you need also to install Mysql or phpmyadmin (you could use xampp) and import the SQL file,
You will find the file next to the project with the name GRH_DB.sql.

Now all you need to do is to go to data/db.txt and change the username and the password with your database connection information.

The generate PDF and send email function won't work if you are using windows, they only work with Linux.

GTK mysql in c

GTK fixed in C
GTK tree view in c

The project is available in Github from here : https://github.com/HosniMansour/projet-c-gtk


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