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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

[PFA] Unity3D RealTime Face Tracking using OpenFace

This project is part of my school year 2017/2018. It is my end of study project. 

This post was deleted by accident :'( I wrote it again, but it's not detail like the first one, I will try to add more information when I find free time.

This project is about making a real-time face tracking App made with unity3D and Openface.

Openface is a library that gives you the landmark of a given video or image :

Likes the image shows, there are 68 points in each face, I did use some of them to make the face tracking with unity. 

All I did was sending the points from Openface (c++) to unity (c#) using DLL.

During making the project I had some problems like I had to exit unity after each time I test the game because this will unload the DLL (to fix that I had to build the game each time and test it without the preview mode).

Also, I didn't use all point, the project could be improved by using the rest of the points and make eyes animation, mouth...

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