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Saturday, November 5, 2016

[ISIMM - 3éme LA Info] PFE: E-commerce website with symfony

My end-of-studies project at ISIMM was an E-commerce website using Symfony framework and an android app that uses web services.

You will find bellow the link to the Github project. You will find the database connection information in app/config/parameters.yml so change them with your database information and use this command to load data :
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
It will create the tables and insert data into them .... ( DoctrineFixturesBundle )

I have also used FOSUserBundle, so you could use the bundle commands to create users and admins.

I have used FOSRestBundle and JMSSerializerBundl for web services (This is a good tutorial for FOSRestBundle and JMSSerializerBundl).

Use this command to get the list of all routes
php app/console router:debug
If you want to get users in JSON format you will find the route of something like this /api/users (/api/users.xml if you want data in xml format).

symfony google analytics


Link to the project in Github : https://github.com/HosniMansour/Symfony-ecommerce


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